
My collection of vintage film cameras (all working perfectly)

I've been doing photography ever since childhood, but became "serious" in 1990 when I bought an SLR (single lens reflex) camera for a trip to Majorca with a group of university friends. Ever since then, I have enjoyed taking photos of friends, family and strangers and portraits of one kind or another continue to be my favourite type of photography.

I shoot mainly digital these days, mostly on my Leica Q2, but still use a variety of vintage film cameras as well. I have a few antique Rolliflex Twin Lens Reflex cameras from the late 1950s and early 1960s, a Zenza Bronica ETRS and a couple of YashicaMAT 124G twin lens reflex cameras. They're all still working perfectly and some of the street portraits below were taken with these cameras.

I have a YouTube channel which is all about street photography where I talk about techniques, equipment and showcase some of my photographs of strangers I've encountered on the streets of Shanghai, Beijing and all over the world. I also have a dedicated website for my street photography which you can find here.

Click here to view my portfolio.